Gérard and Jean-Baptiste, Léa and Bernadette, host me at dinner at Le Mazet, the home of their grandparents a short hike up the road from their house, Cavalhac, outside the village of Lacapelle-del-Fraisse, about a half hour drive from Aurillac.

While I was visiting, the French legislative election first round vote was held on Sunday, so I accompanied Bernadette into the townhall to cast her ballot. She picked up one of each of the papers with candidates names, ducked into a private corner booth to stuff her choice into the envelope, and dropped her vote into the box. The election drew a smaller turnout than the recent presidential election, but it was the lead story in all the news.

The beauty of the French countryside calms and invigorates me. This is a lovely flowering place steeped in ages and ages of human history.
Gorgeous countryside. The kind of place where a person can center herself. The kind of place I enjoy spending time. Lovely photos. Thanks for taking us with you!
Hooray for wonderfully working train systems! Recent air travel snafus have me yearning to take to the trains again.
Such lovely stone buildings, and interesting to make a trip to the French ballot box. I recently had occasion to hang out with the languages and lits crowd on campus, and I must say their French political jokes were almost over my head. Fun learning experience though.
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